Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Biden chosen as Obama's running mate.

It was announced this past weekend that Senator Joe Biden (D) from Delaware will be Barack Obama's running mate in the presidential election this November.

Good move. I've always liked Biden and remember checking out some of his stats on his website when he was running for president earlier in the year. Biden speaks his mind - which has backfired once or twice - but at least he doesn't speak around the issues, offering little more than political rhetoric. My first recollection of Senator Biden was when he chaired the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary and presided over the Supreme Court confirmation hearing of Clarence Thomas in 1991. I was impressed (with Biden - not the pubic hair on the Pepsi can issue).

Go to Biden's website to see where he stands on the issues. Also, if you're interested in watching Biden deliver a his version of a "fire and brimstone" speech to the Senate regarding the war in Iraq, watch this YouTube video.

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