Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Here's one clown shoe I would LOVE to see bounced out of the NFL.

As a Packer fan and Brett Favre fan, I'm one of those who has stood firmly in "the Favre camp" and will continue to do so. He wants to play - let him. I'm completely dumbfounded by the negative talk regarding Favre and I'm thinking to myself, "the guy hasn't beaten up anyone at a nightclub, smacked his wife, stepped on a teammate, shot someone, snorted coke, etcetera - he JUST WANTS TO PLAY BALL". Yes, he had a vicadine addiction problem - an addiction he came forward with of his own accord (maybe his wife helped a tad) and received help for. He used to drink and party when he was younger. So did I (still do a bit). If these are the worst things this man's done in his Hall of Fame career - along with changing his mind about retiring - what a terribly, selfish, egotistical human being. This entire Favre/Packer affair proves the point that our "heroes" are fallible and human - like you. Like me. Too Pollyanna-ish? Too bad.

Then I started thinking about players who deserve any criticism they get - 'cause they're assholes. And in my book, the king jerk-off is this guy. HINT: He's a receiver and he plays for team with an animal in the name. Now, I won't demean my blog by putting this idiot's face on the front page of this post, so if you wanna see who I'm talking about, you're gonna have to click on READ MORE!

Chad Johnson of the Cincinnati Bengals. He's a great player - I guess. I've never watched him play. And won't. But I'm from the old school...the purist line of thought that a player's actions on the field reflect on the player - not the extracurricular shenanigans like pulling out a sharpie or defiling the sacredness of the NFL Hall of Fame by wearing a mock-up of a Hall of Fame jacket. I have no time for that sort of bullshit. Catch the ball, score a TD, hand the ball to the ref and go celebrate with your team. I can have plenty of fun watching the game with my friends, drinking beers and high-fiving without a player's assinine antics on display for the world to see.

I'm pretty adept at entertaining myself, thanks...but "no thanks", Chady-o.

Nice gold teeth, dipstick. And nice mohawk. I suppose he's got people in his entourage who tell him 'that looks fuckin' cool, Chad!' Chad looks like something I just yanked from my man vagina and out my asshole. Seriously.

The conceit in this guy makes me wanna stick my hand up my ass into my man vagina - wait, I said that already.

I know this race was for charity, but Johnson bragged that he was so fast he could beat a thoroughbred in a race. OK. 220 yards - only Johnson got a 110 yard head start. Big deal. You know what - I'm an ex-hurdler and 43-years-old but I'll take those odds in a race any day. Find my a jockey and a horse, let me train a bit and I'll do it. Jack ass. I'd rather pay money to play "Wack a Chad" at the arcade.

Johnson got a $5,000 fine for not wearing the proper name on his jersey. If you're so into charities, Chad, that $5,000 would have been a nice, tax deductible write-off, you dick.

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