Friday, July 25, 2008


I'll tell you what's going on, Coach - movement on the Favre/Packer front.

It's being reported that Favre will apply today for reinstatement in the NFL (following his retirement in March) and will report to Green Bay Packer training camp next week.

All this means is that it looks as if some progress is being made in the stand-off. Brett can still approve a trade or be released or veto a trade and not be released and sit on the bench while making $12 million and holding a clipboard. OR Packer management can take its collective heads out of their asses and make Brett the starting QB as it should be.

A trade could very well be already negotiated but Favre and the Pack have to go through the motions of reinstating him, then Favre showing up to training camp - makes for good PR. We shall see. Any finality will come at the start of the season when the Vikings come to Lambeau on the first Monday Night game and we see which QB runs outta the tunnel - Favre or Rogers.

Your move, Teddy-boy.

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