Monday, July 7, 2008

Jeff Ircink to Boycott Packers if Favre Released from Contract.

(WARNING. This post contains obscenities. No children should read this. I apologize but this is no laughing matter and I can't understand why this is all a big topic of debate now.)

If you know me you know I bleed green and yellow...and Brett Favre. Just look at the blog coverage I gave the Pack last year. But the shit is gonna hit the fan soon if certain stuff goes down. Now God dammit I'm getting sick of hearing about the possibility of Brett coming back to the NFL. Brett's denied it and the Packers are not commenting. This story needs to stay buried until SOMEONE makes SOMETHING public. My M.O. is to post a picture of Brett along with a Packer story but I will not associate Brett with this asinine, tabloid journalism (not mine, the media), so I'll put up a picture of our GM Ted Thompson as ultimately it'll be his decision as to whether he keeps Favre or cuts him loose SHOULD Brett want to come back to the team.

But before anything - IF anything is made public - I wanted to go on the record with my stance on this matter.

Based on talk today by Peter King of Sports Illustrated, who said he's positive that Favre's agent will file papers in the next 10 days asking the Packers to take Brett of the retired/reserved list and move him to ACTIVE, let me say this: PACKERS...get your heads outta your asses and take Brett back. That simple. Here's why:

1) I'm sick of this talk that the Packers have moved on and made personnel changes and drafted players based on Favre retiring. Bullshit. This is almost the dumbest thing I've ever heard of in my entire life. What about the 16 years while Brett was on the team when management picked shitty guys in the draft? You can't have it both ways Packers. And if it's an ego thing with Thompson, then Thompson can double-fuck himself. Aaron Rogers is his boy - we know that. First draft pick Thompson made. But how can one think that grown, educated NFL personnel are sitting around a table saying, "Oh shit, Brett...don't do this to us. Such a big deal was made over your retirement (which is usually the case when someone retires) and now we're back at a crossroads and, well...funny but we're actually considering not taking you back. Because of all the work we went through to move on after you...". Oh just shut up.

2) We've moved on with Aaron Rogers and you said you retired. We want to protect your legacy. Fuck that and the next person who says that I'm gonna shoot (along with the next person who says they're sick of Brett manipulating the media and the team with his wishy-washy, will-I-or-won't-I-retire attitude). Brett's the only one who has to worry about his legacy. You'll tarnish the Packers' legacy if you cut him or trade him to another team, you assholes. And what - is this a schoolyard game of sorts, "My hands on the tree. The tree's school. I'm safe here. That's the rule!" Because Brett retired he can't unretire? Rogers has been sitting the bench of four years now (or 5) - he can't sit another year? If he doesn't like it, he can ask to be traded. The Packers should never have signed a high draft pick to begin with at that time - my brother and I both said it. And if the Pack are so damned confident the Rogers is the heir apparent (and I'm not saying he's not), why'd the Packers draft TWO QBs this year? You wanna win a Super Bowl this season or is winning the Super Bowl in your "5-year, long-term plan" - another dumbass way of thinking. "Building for the future". Right. You can bet your sweet ass that if Rogers gets injured in training camp or preseason and it were known Favre wanted to still play that Thompson and McCarthy would be on the phone in a second asking Brett if he wanted to come back. Again - you can't have it both ways, Packers.

3) 14-4 last year and a hair from the Super Bowl. What's the NFL - ultimately - about? Winning the Super Bowl. Who do you want as your QB = Favre or Rogers? A six-year-old can figure that one out (well, most six-year-olds). Rogers had one good game against Dallas last year AND he got hurt twice in two other games. Rogers is untested. Favre's a veteran and a future Hall of Famer who had one of his best seasons last year and may have received his 4th MVP had it not been for Tom Brady's season. And he's Favre. Enough said. The offense has begun to get used to Rogers now in the off-season workouts - big deal. It was mini camp and the entire offense worked under Favre last season so it's not like there's a learning curve involved with Favre coming back.

4) The media can all die. The media is racking this story over the coals for everything it's worth because it has nothing else to report on. The media's been racking this story over the coals for five years when THEY first intimated with Favre the subject of retiring. And the media is reporting on NOTHING but he said-she said tidbits of rumor this and rumor that and until the Packers release a statement or Favre has a press conference to make any of this valid, the media needs to just die.

5) It's Favre's decision if he wants to play again. Who are any of us to say, " retired, you have to stay retired". Why are people even sticking their two cents in regarding whether he should stay retired or not? Listen you cocksuckers, my father retired from GM then went back to work 4 hours a morning for 3-4 days (still at it). Are you seriously going to tell my father to stay retired as well?! Why don't you retire? Retire your mouths and SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I'm not gonna worry about what Chris Mortenson from ESPN or Peter King from SI or Brett's mom or Brett's brother said or what was said in the past or what some people thought was insinuated in the past, blah, blah, fucking blah. The bloodsucking media will do that for us. If Brett decides to come back and the Packers release him or trade him and I see Brett in another uniform, I am DONE. I will not watch any Packer games this season. Rest assured. And if Thompson does that he can go fuck himself. Because now HE tarnished the Packers' image and he'll have to live with that IF he makes it out of Green Bay alive.


  1. Very well said! Every bleeping word!
    Love it!

    So true so true!

    Love ya Brett!

    WI cheesehead

  2. Can I get another AMEN! I'm with you Jeff - if Thompson DUMBA** turns away arguably the best QB that has ever graced an NFL field - then he seriously needs to see a proctologist. And, he'll turn away fans all over the country. And, he'll be losing money for, not only the Packers organization, but the entire Green Bay community. If Thompson's behind this anti-Favre, pro-Rodgers thing, then he's one insurmountable ASS!
