Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Answer your phone, Teddy-Boy!

No matter what guise Brett Favre's in, when he comes a walkin, you need to do some talkin'.

In view of recent rumors about my boy Brett Favre gettin' the itch to return to the NFL - I'm not gonna sweat anything until either Favre holds a press conference or the Packers do (though - see 8 posts down).

However, if any of what's floating around has any truth to it, my message to Ted Thompson is this: IF Brett tries getting in touch with you get off your high horse, douche-bag and answer your phone or text message. To blow off a text with, "We'll talk when I get back from vacation" is bullshit. You're the GM of one of the most storied franchises in the NFL and a legendary QB is calling you to talk business. Be a man, Teddy-Boy, and have a conversation with Brett (if any of this holds water). Try and talk him into staying retired if that's what's on your mind. OR think which scenario gives you the best chance to make another run at the Super Bowl = Rogers OR Favre. Put YOUR ego and control issues aside and LISTEN.

People say that Favre isn't bigger than the Packer organization. Well, Mr. Thompson, neither are you - no matter what you may think.

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