Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cat got your tongue, Ted Thompson??

A couple posts down I wrote an open letter to Packer GM Ted Thompson (like he's gonna see this) asking a very simple question. Someone from the press corps in Green Bay obviously saw my post and thought it was a great question to ask the Packer GM.

So...when King Shit Ted Thompson was asked during an interview today which quarterback - Brett Favre OR Aaron Rogers - gives the Packers the best chance to go to the Super Bowl, Thompson DECLINED TO ANSWER.

If I were heir-apparent QB Aaron Rogers, I'd be a little concerned. A pivotal question concerning the Packers' 2008 season - perhaps the most important one - and Thompson won't comment.

Simple question, Teddy. Talk about waffling and poor communication on Favre's part. Silence is golden, Teddy Boy. Silence is golden. Full interview here.

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