Thursday, July 3, 2008

BREAKING NEWS! Is Favre REALLY thinking about a return to the NFL??

Not according to Rachel of Harrison County, Mississippi.

I stopped to get gas on my way home from work today. I'm waiting for a car that's ahead of me filling up. A very cute brunette walks up to the car and tops the tank off. I notice her plates are from Harrison County, Mississippi. So I ask her if she's a Brett Favre fan. Definitely - "he's a family friend". Do you know him, I ask? Very well, she says.

I get out of my car and introduce myself. I tell her I'm from Wisconsin and a huge Packer/Favre fan and Rachel and I start talking. She said she heard the news on ESPN that Favre's getting the itch to return to the NFL. She calls her mother and asks her, "did you call K.K.?" aunt or relation to Favre who's a family friend of Rachel's.

Rachel said unequivocally that Brett was NOT coming back. Her thoughts, I know. Breaking news? For this blog it is. And it's as much "breaking" as Chris Mortensen's story on ESPN that apparently Favre said holds no water.

What are the odds, eh? Of the girl being that hot, I mean?

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