Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A bit of PASSION = TRUTH business...

I have the remedial (meaning it's the barebones free one) blog counter that keeps stats on who's visiting your blog, location, which pages they've viewed, how long they visit, etc. It keeps stats for one year.

For the month of June 2007 I had 476 total visitors. Remember, I started the blog sometime in April 2007. Yesterday's count for the month of June 2008 was 2798.

I think that's pretty cool - a 5-fold increase in visitors in one year. So, if you take a gander once in a while, perhaps you should visit more often. Feel free to leave a comment on a particular post OR send me an email at irc_64@hotmail.com or weakknees@gbpackersfan.com. And thanks for stopping by.

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