Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wake up, Wisconsin!!! 6th drunk driving offense for loser.

A 44-year-old New Berlin man - Gary Duff - has been charged with his sixth drunken driving offense after getting pulled over in Greenfield (a Milwaukee suburb) for driving an unregistered vehicle. His blood alcohol content level was .146 - Wisconsin's legal limit is .08. It was also found that a felony warrant had been issued with the Department of Corrections (in Wisconsin) for Duff's probation violation.

Seems to me the judicial system in Milwaukee and my home state of Wisconsin isn't doing their job. 6th drunken driving offense????? At what point will this joker be taken off the road for good? When he kills someone?

Why not save the taxpayer's money (incarceration, court fees, etc.) and just shoot'em and be done with it? What purpose does this man serve in society? Seriously, this asshole is a repeat offender; he's getting behind the wheel drunk operating a deadly weapon. Why not charge him with attempted assault - BEFORE he hurts someone? Why wait until he kills someone to charge him with murder? If I'm carrying a gun and shoot someone but don't kill them, it's aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. ANYONE behind the wheel of a car is driving a WEAPON.

Just shoot him.

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