Monday, June 2, 2008

Vacation: Part 23 - "Frog and Toad", "The Spitfire Grill" and Theater in Milwaukee.

I was fortunate enough to see my high school friend, Tony Clements, in the show "The Spitfire Grill" at the Skylight Theatre in Milwaukee while home for vacation. The musical was written by a couple of guys from Wisconsin and is set in a fictional town in Wisconsin. He was great - plus I'd never seen him act or sing (he was in a national tour of Mama Mia for four years). After the show, I was snapping off shots of the ceiling which bore the quote:

"To forget some things, to remember others and to refresh the dry places in our spirit."

I got yelled out for taking pictures inside the theater ('cause you're not supposed) but I told them I didn't have a pen to copy the quote down. Fine - as long as you don't take a picture of the set. I lied.

I also saw "Frog and Toad", a delightful children's show that Tony directed at First Stage in downtown Milwaukee. That "Snail" is a card. It was great catching up with him- we last saw each other in March 2007 while I was in NYC for my play reading of "Stan's Addiction" (Tony read in it).

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