Friday, June 6, 2008

Remember "D-Day".

The 64th anniversary of the Invasion of Normandy is today.

The event marks the invasion and establishment of Allied forces in Normandy, France during Operation Overlord in World War II. It covers from the initial landings on June 6, 1944 until the Allied breakout in mid-July. It was the largest seaborne invasion at the time, involving over 850,000 troops crossing the English Channel from the United Kingdom to Normandy by the end of June 1944.

Take some time from your busy schedule to remember those who fought and fell in this battle. You know those old people you mock, laugh, smirk at sometimes when you see them walking down the street or get easily irritated with when checking out at the grocery store? That generation - you're living the life you have due, in part, to those people.

I salute them. And God Bless America.

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