Friday, June 13, 2008

A perspective on how flooded Cedar Rapids is.

When my father made the comment on the phone (see below post), one of the clips he saw was The Paramount Theater (1928), where I made my performing debut in 1994. Here's a picture from that show. The mark is about where my dad thought (from seeing it on TV) the water level was at - about 3 feet from the marquis.

It's a guess. WAIT! NPR update: 5:18 CST - The edge of where the Cedar River typically is situated has now stretched one and a half miles into the city limits. Also, the flooding now covers 400 blocks instead of the 100 I mentioned yesterday.


  1. Actually, my dear Jeffrey James, from what I can tell, you would likely be under water and the mucky fish-filled stinky filth that we're calling water would be lapping just under the marquee. It's a fucking surreal mess here.

  2. My God. Sounds dramatic. But I'm sure that if I were there to see it all...don't know that I want to see it, actually. I wish I could help - I feel helpless. TCR, The Paramount - how can this be. Were you able to save anything from the 1st floor of the theater??? Simply mindboggling. I assume the TCR Shop is under as well. All these places d.t. are flashing in my head - and to think I was just there. Fuck.
