Friday, June 27, 2008

"La La Laaaa. It's boring here in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The whole city was just flooded and I'm sad. I think I'll kill some ducks."

CEDAR RAPIDSVandals stoned and beat to death about 50 ducks and geese, including some that were just days old, at the Bever Park Children’s Zoo. It's believed that at least one person herded the ducks together while someone else stoned some to death inside the cage with rocks that were part of the landscape. A white snow goose was among the birds killed (see photo). It is felt by Bever Park officials that the killings will affect families attempting to return to a sense of normalcy after flooding devastated the community. “It’s just a sucker punch when we’re already down.”

My friend Heather in CR sent me this picture and story. It's not like Cedar Rapids (my former theater stomping grounds) isn't already reeling from the floods that destroyed around 4,000 homes (2,000 that will have to be leveled) and wrecked the downtown businesses (including the basements and first floors of my former theaters). Then you have some assholes who go to a zoo and murder INNOCENT DUCKS!!. Sonofabitches. When they catch the people who did this, they should put them in a small arena and have a crowd stone them to death. Seriously. I want these motherfuckers dead. Sick bastards. They are not normal people - and they will never be normal. They serve no use to society. They will multiply and have offspring.

STONE THEM NOW! At least castrate them. Seriously. CASTRATE THEM NOW!

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