Friday, June 27, 2008

The Journey IS the Destination #1: Rincon!

Thursday, June 19th. My brother Jason arrives in Cali. That's him - not me.

"In Huntington and Malibu they're shootin' the pier
In Rincon, they're walkin' the nose
We're goin' on safari to the islands this year
So if you're comin', get ready to go."

Actually, he arrived late Wednesday evening. But our "journey" began Thursday as we headed up to Santa Barbara to camp and partake in Solstice with family from Wisconsin visiting SB. Rincon Beach is on our way north and was made given legendary-like status in The Beach Boys' tune, "Surfin' Safari".

(Wait! There's more...)

So he's not actually "walkin' the nose". But he's walkin'. I think he did make his way to the nose - I just didn't capture it on film. Jas was chomping at the bit to get out there. We're big Beach Boys fans and we both want to surf. I'm afraid of sharks though.

Rincon Beach. Found a great stone I'm going to attempt to fashion into a necklace. We'll see. I'm quite arts & craftsy. There's the stone below.

"What to do? WHAT to do?"

The view from a surfer's shack on the beach. I really, really thought Moondoggie would pop out of the palm tree roof any second.

Goodbye, Rincon. Until next time...

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