Monday, June 9, 2008

My latest reincarnation...and a Packer factoid to boot! a dancing Green Bay Packer fan. Whatdaya think? I have one with me wearing a cheesehead but I don't own a cheesehead and would never where one. Thanks, BeerKid (aka Packer - see favorite websites on lower right hand panel).

While I'm talking about the Packers, I might as well leave you with one factoid. Remember last year during the season when the media (aka "bastards") started questioning Favre's ability to accurately throw the long ball (which I knew was horseshit and the media/world found out a week later that it was horseshit)? Saw this on AOL sports:

"...And it also points out just how rare a successful long bomb is. Only four NFL quarterbacks had more than 10 40-yard+ passes all of last year, and Brett Favre was the only one to complete an average of one a game."

GO PACK in 2008 (even if it's without Brett Favre)!

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