Saturday, June 14, 2008

Clarence Thomas: "Shut your face!"

I'm kidding. Actually, what I mean is, "Clarence Thomas: Could you say SOMETHING...please?"

Thomas has failed to utter a single word from the bench since February 22, 2006, a milestone which was noted by several media outlets, including CNN and an episode of Boston Legal. He's offered up several reasons for his silence. "I don't think that for judging, and for what we are doing, all those questions are necessary".

Regardless, I think it's weird. Odd. Stupid. Dumb. Idiotic. Strange. How can a Supreme Court judge not have one damn thing to say - one freaking sentence - in over two years? "Hey, Justice Thomas! Either participate in the process or get off the bench!" Maybe he's active behind the scenes (whatever that encompasses). Whatever. He's a coot.

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