Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Another benefit of being an illegal alien in the U.S.

While over 4000 U.S. soldiers have died in Iraq for a war that is unquestionably controversial, I wonder how many of the 11 million plus, 18-25 male illegal aliens currently in the U.S. have registered for our Selective Service? I mean, it IS the law, even if we don't have a draft. I did it. EVERY legal citizen of the United States has to do it. It's the law in Mexico as well (see below). Legally, every Mexican man is obligated to a year of servicio militar nacional — SMN (national military service — NMS), generally only a few hours of drill on weekends, not true military training. And yes, I understand we have other illegal aliens in the U.S. besides those from Mexico but I use illegal aliens from Mexico as an example because it's the largest group.

Though I suppose registering for the draft isn't one of the benefits that draws so many people to illegally enter our country, now is it?

(*Incidentally, each year in Mexico, the SEDENA (Secretariat of National Defense) requires every eighteen-year-old man and every man who be that age within twelve (12) months of the draft date of a designated Clase de Servicio Militar Nacional (National Military Service Class) to report to his municipality's designated military recruitment center. There, he will register to the conscription program with his birth certificate and standard-size, head-and-shoulders portrait photographs in order to be issued a precartilla (pre-military identity card) with a serial number, photograph, right thumb fingerprint, weapons licence number, and personal data (address, current schooling level, etc.) that finally, after the draft lottery and a year of service, earns him full conscript status and a Cartilla de Servicio Militar Nacional (Military National Service Identity Card), informally, cartilla (military I.D. card) attesting to his having fulfilled his civic obligation in duty to the nation. The SEDENA's lottery determines who will be exempted from or drafted for military duty — either with the army or with the navy.)

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