Tuesday, April 1, 2008

This country is in dire straits. Something needs to be done NOW.

What's that line from the movie, Network? Peter Finch said something like, "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Good quote. Another great cliche that goes right along with that is, "action speaks louder than words". So I'm taking action. Right now.

I've filed a lawsuit in district court in the District of Columbia against President George W. Bush for, among other things, misappropriation of funds, malfeasance, fraud and deceptive practices (I should toss in "cronyism" for good measure as Bush's HUD secretary has been charged with the same thing). Here is Page 1 of the legal document - try clicking on it to enlarge it or right-click and save it on your desktop, then zoom:

The impetus for this is our budget deficit, once at "zero" during the Clinton administration, which now soars to over $270 billion dollars. Yet our government continues to find money to spend that it doesn't have - monies to fund a war in Iraq, monies to give to countries who help them manage through some natural disaster; $42 million in monies to send a letter to the American people notifying them of their tax rebate that will help stimulate our economy, etcetera, blah, blah, blah. If MY checkbook looked like the federal government's checkbook, I'd be in prison. Why is it acceptable for the President of the United States - OUR employee - to conduct himself in such a manner? Or to conduct the business of the federal government in such a manner? Ain't it a hoot when you hear how the Feds clamp down on some poor, nameless sonofabitch who made less than $10,000 one year (poverty level, by the way) because he owes the government taxes???

I have no doubt that this will fall on deaf ears. I have no doubt it will be bounced or dismissed from the courts. I have no doubt that my name will be placed on a list somewhere for "future reference". Good. As John Adams, one of our founding fathers and our 2nd president stated, "In politics, the middle way is none at all." Such is life - and I can not stand in the middle any longer. This madness must end.

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