Thursday, April 24, 2008

Say it ain't so, Green Bay!

The Green Bay Packers are talking about signing former Viking QB, then former Raider and Dolphin Daunte Culpepper as a veteran backup to Aaron Rogers.

I'm gonna be sick to my stomach. Seriously - I may stick my hand down my throat and make myself puke.

I hate Culpepper. All Packer fans hate him. He did that stupid arm-movement dance when he scored a TD that made him look like an asshole and he played for one of our nemesis(i) - the Minnesota Vikings. And he sucks now. You think fans are gonna cheer for this idiot? I realize he'd be playing in a limited capacity (if Rogers goes down) but I will not cheer for Culpepper. Fuck him. Excuse my French but I think EVERY Packer fan will agree. And what if Rogers goes down for an extended period? You're telling me Culpepper will be the face of the Packers? That's as insane as me pulling Oompa Loompas out of my asshole.

We should have a rule like the soccer teams do in England - Manchester and Liverpool - which is to never trade players. Bullshit.

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