Friday, April 4, 2008

New York Times poll suggests the America is "on the wrong track"

Americans are more dissatisfied with the country’s direction than at any time since the New York Times/CBS News poll began asking about the subject in the early 1990s, according to the latest poll.

In the poll, 81 percent of respondents said they believed that “things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track,” up from 69 percent a year ago and 35 percent in early 2003.

Although the public mood has been darkening since the early days of the war in Iraq, it has taken a new turn for the worse in the last few months, as the economy has seemed to slip into recession. There is now nearly a national consensus that the country faces significant problems.


  1. Amazing how many people are seriously think its so bad...get the hell out of here and live in another country for awhile. We'll see how quickly people realize how good we have and that we're goign itno the right direction.

    You think the Chinese were right when they said Americans don't have the stomachs to win a war anymore?

  2. Please accpet my apologies for misspelling words.

  3. i trust your comment to "get out of here and live somewhere else" wasn't directed toward me but to those who criticize our country, correct?
