Wednesday, April 9, 2008

GREAT NEWS from the U.S. border front!

The Wall Street Journal reported today that the number of illegal immigrants apprehended along the U.S.-Mexico border is falling steeply, possibly a result of the economic downturn and beefed-up security which could be deterring crossings.

The U.S. Border Patrol reported that apprehensions are down 17% to 347,372 (which is still 347,372 too many) between Oct. 1, 2007 and March 31, 2008, from the same period a year before that. Tougher state laws, particularly in Arizona, is also cited as a reason.

Now I find this next point interesting. Francisco Lopez, a 43-year-old illegal immigrant who was interviewed by the WSJ, made about $50,000 a year transporting construction material - he's also the parent of two U.S.-born children - but his work dried up and now he drives taxi. First of all - excuse my French but I can't help it - why the fuck is this guy in my country? When the WSJ interviewed him, why wasn't he then arrested and deported? This guy says, "To live in America these days is to suffer...I'm not recommending to my friends back home to come here. I'm thinking of leaving myself".

Good. Nobody ASKED you to come here, believe me. Quite frankly, I'm glad you're suffering here. I'm suffering, too. So are a lot of other Americans WHO BELONG HERE, you asshole! If things are tough in America (where you shouldn't be), go back to your country. I'll drive you to the border. And if you think the illegals lined up outside your local Home Depot or wherever they line up for work are all friendly, happy-go-lucky compadres from "Me-hi-co", guess again - and watch this video.

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