Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Favre honored in Bear Country?????

A lawmaker wants his state to pass a resolution honoring Brett Favre for his achievements. Here's the kicker: The state is Illinois - the Bears state. Illinois's ranking Republican is the man sponsoring the resolution even though he says he is also a Bears fan.

The flowery, seven-page resolution (it refers to Favre as "the swashbuckling Southerner") will come to a vote sometime Before May 31st.

Now, I could say, 'Wow, that's surprising - coming from one of our biggest rivals. You see how well-respected Favre was?" I could also say, "Fuck the Bears. What an idiot state. If they had any self-respect they wouldn't lower themselves. After all, would we do that for a retired Bear, regardless of who it was?"

I'll take the high road - today. Thanks, Illinois. And thank you, Chicago Bears.

That sounded very strange. Thank God, I won't EVER have to say that again.

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