Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wisconsin State Legislature Passes Resolution to Honor Favre

MADISON — The state Legislature officially bid farewell to Brett Favre today, passing a resolution honoring the former Green Bay Packers quarterback and the NFL’s only three-time most valuable player.

The resolution honors Favre for leading the Packers to a victory in Super Bowl XXXI and breaking the league records for passing touchdowns, completions, attempts and quarterback victories.

“Brett Favre’s legacy will live on beyond his many impressive records and statistics, as his leadership and love of football embody the heart of America’s favorite game, earning him the respect and admiration of his fellow players, coaches and fans,” the resolution said.

The resolution also commends Favre for his charity work through the Favre Fourward Foundation, which he set up in 1996 to help poor and disabled children in Wisconsin and Mississippi, Favre’s home state. It also mentions the Deanna Favre Hope Foundation, which his wife created to help women fight breast cancer.

Both the state Assembly and Senate adopted the resolution on unanimous voice votes. As a native Wisconsinite I say, "HUZZAH!"

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