Sunday, March 16, 2008

A sound observation - from Darth Vader.

James Earl Jones was interviewed on CBS Sunday Morning news show by Michelle Miller, a respected black journalist:

Between stints as a pitchman, he found work in soap operas, rarely turning down a chance to create a role - any role.

"You've been...the groundbreaker - I mean, the first black doctor on a soap opera, first black..."

"Who got excited about that? 'Cause I sure didn't."

"You didn't?"

"No. 'Get a life'...isn't that the expression the kids use? Get excited about me being the first black doctor on a soap opera? As the World Turns. I got a job. And I had a chance to work in front of a camera..."

Bravo, Mr. Jones - for dismissing the "first black" syndrome. I'm tired of hearing about the first black coach in the Super Bowl or the first black ref to work a Super Bowl, or the first black man/woman to win Oscars in the same year or possibly the first black Democratic Nominee to the White House, etcetera, etcetera. If I said Mike Holmgren was the 31st white coach to win the Super Bowl or that I'm looking into forming the NAAWP (National Association for the Advancement of White People), or The White College Fund, I'd be admonished for being a racist. But for some black people who want to be treated like a human being and not discriminated against because of his/her color, it's OK to perpetuate the "first black" whatever or attach "negro" or "black" to an organization or even refer to other black people as "nigger".

I'm Czech and Polish (among other things). I'm gonna start the Dumb Pollack Society of Los Angeles. Yeah. 'Cause that's my heritage.

Enough. I'm bored.

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