Thursday, March 6, 2008

SI to Issue Commemorative Edition on Favre

A Sports Illustrated special issue slated to hit newsstands Monday or Tuesday will be the third time since December that the weekly magazine has featured Favre on its cover — and the first time it has dedicated an entire issue to the legendary quarterback. In December, Sports Illustrated sold three printings of its Sportsman of the Year issue in Wisconsin, the Dec. 7 issue named Favre its 2007 athlete of the year. The magazine said it was the first time it had done a third printing of an issue, which eventually sold 164,000 extra copies. An extra 115,000 copies of the January “Totally Cool” edition, featuring Favre on the cover and other pictures and details of the Packers’ 42-20 playoff win over Seattle in a snowstorm, were printed in anticipation of more newsstand sales.

Next week’s special edition will be the 10th time Favre has appeared on the magazine’s cover (there have been several other where Brett wasn't the focal point of the cover but was included in a "burst"). I have an inkling what the cover will be (but I'll keep it to myself and we'll see). Frankly, I don't wanna see a commemorative issue on Favre - I want him playing again next year, dammit! Anyway...a look at Brett's previous covers:

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