Saturday, March 15, 2008

Jeff's Spring/Summer Travel Plans

Next week - Tujunga, CA, Easter Weekend
May - Chicago; fishing up at the Rainbow Flowage in Lake Tomahawk, Wisconsin; Milwaukee, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
June - camping at El Capitan Canyon Park; Santa Barbara - Solstice; Sequoia National Park
July - home to Wisconsin for good


  1. You movin' back to WI in July? Really? Seems like you should expand a bit on this topic. Perhaps you have, but I only get to this blog once in a while, and there's a lot here to read!!!!


  2. Plead the 5th? Either you is or you isn't. No need to be coy...and besides, you brought the subject up for discussion!!!
    Congrats on a year of blogging though. At the very least, you're productive, and given the time, I envy the accomplishment (and I admire your diligence here). Fun read - my "Tuesdays" include a brief stop here and Tony's ramblings. Both are enjoyable, but obviously different.
    BTW, I'm pondering a return to cheeseland as well for a job offer. I'm flattered, but there's a bit of mixed emotions regarding the decision. Of course, here in the Twin Cities, the jump is not nearly as long as moving from one of the coasts, so I appreciate you would have a bigger transition to consider. Good luck!

