Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Stupid TV - The View and why-was-Whoopi-omitted-from-the-Oscar-montage

Who gives a rat's ass?

It was the 80th Oscars so montages were shown throughout the night on the winners, the hosts and other events surround the Oscars. Apparently - though shown receiving her Oscar - Whoopi Goldberg was left out of the montage of previous hosts. So was Steve Martin - but Steve doesn't work on The View with 3 other (4 if you include Barbara "Idiot" Walters) dingbats. There have been 13+ hosts and numerous Oscars with multiple hosts. I don't think they showed everyone. Calm down, Whoopi. It's not the end of the world.

And why in the hell is that Elisabeth Hasselbeck even on that show? What purpose does she serve? Nothing. My taint's more entertaining than anything that ex-survivor has to contribute.

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