Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hafa Adai!

Not exactly sure what that means in Guam-ish but I assume it's some sort of greeting. Like, 'Don't worry - we gave up headhunting 20 years ago'. That's my cousin Joe (dad's side) and his girlfriend Brenda in Guam. She's a nurse and just began a 3-month stint with her placement firm working in a hospital delivering baby Guamites. Pretty, isn't it? I'm talking about the scenery. Thought about what a great time my brother and I would have visiting them but found out it's a $1900 plane ticket from LA. Shit - for $600 I could go back to Ireland and live like a nobleman. Alright, an upper, lowerclass peasant.

Not that you kids will be pressed for things to do there, but if you get bored and are looking for some fun summer-ish ideas, read my post from this past summer - one of my favorites: Notice the similarities in our subject line???

Enjoy the islands, you two. And thanks again for the fleece!

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