Thursday, January 10, 2008

Wisconsin Governor Doyle is a Dolt

While home over the holidays, I wrote a post chastising Wisconsin Governor Doyle for the recent cigarette tax hike (see:

Seems the honorable gov'ner in Madison has put his foot in his mouth again - by issuing a sttetement thanking Brett Favre for returning to the Green Bay Packers next season:

"Like all Packer fans, I am thrilled that Brett Favre will return to action next year for the green and gold. Brett Favre's tremendous work ethic and willingness to go out and play hard every day represent the true spirit of Wisconsin. I am hopeful that with this announcement behind us, Brett Favre and the Green Bay Packers can focus on the task at hand: defeating the Seattle Seahawks on Saturday and advancing to the National Football Conference Championship game. I want to thank Brett Favre on behalf of Packer fans everywhere for his commitment to the Packers, Green Bay, and all of Wisconsin."

Problem is - Brett hasn't said anything. There are "news reports" out there - one from Favre's hometown - that he's indicated he'd like to play longer, but nothing confirmed by Brett. Way to put Favre on the spot AND way to go media for a distraction we don't need before Saturday's playoff game. I HATE THE MEDIA!!!!! I WANT TO KILL THEM!

The governor's office later amended the statement to say Doyle was "excited to hear Brett Favre talking about returning to action next year."

That's better. Better yet if Doyle's publicity office kept their mouth shut until the Green Bay Packer organization confirms ANYTHING. I like what Coach McCarthy said, "I don't know anything about it, and I think it's someone just trying to distract my quarterback."

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