Sunday, January 13, 2008

While Watching the Colts and Chargers...

...I realized QB Philip Rivers from San Diego is an asshole. WHY is he getting into yelling matches with fans? He's done this before (Denver game). This little boy needs to grow up.

With that, I'd also like to add coaches like Mike Holmgren (Seahawks). Tony Dungy (Colts) and Wade Philips (Cowboys) are class acts and it was sad to hear them speak of their playoff loses.

UPDATE: 1/14. I may have to amend the above statement. Philips, in his press conference, said he felt the best team lost that game - his Cowboys. I know he's bummed, as our all the players and organization. But I hate that comment - "the best team lost". Fine - you wanna be the "best" team and not have a chance at going to the Super Bowl...that's your choice. It's like cry baby, pussy-bitch Matt Lienart from USC saying "we're the better team" after USC lost the national title game his senior year to...whatever the team was. Sore loser is what that is and it also comes from having an overly confident, smug and cocky attitude all season long, THINKING that the title is just going to be given to you.

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