Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My nomination for the Green Bay Packer Mascot...

...Packer the Bulldog.

We don't have one. We should for the NFC Championship Game Sunday.
Other teams do (24 in all) - Cleveland Browns - the Dawg Pound, Minnesota Vikings - Ragnar the Viking and Vikadontis Rex the Dinosaur, New England Patriots - Pat (not the Pat from SNL - I don't think), among them.

Found Packer via the Associated Press - from the playoff game at Lambeau against Seattle. I think he's perfect. Or she. My friend Tom's dog is Packy - one of those jumping terriers like the dog on Frasier. Packy would freeze at Lambeau though. She does like coffee grounds...maybe that would help keep herwarm. Twice she got into my luggage in 2005 and 2006 over the holidays and ripped open my Christmas Blend coffee.
UPDATE: 1/19 - According to Tom, Packy is ill. Tom thought it was nerves prior to tomorrow's game, but alas, no. Say a prayer for Packy, please.

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