Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Hillary Clinton Crys Me A River

First of all, I don't think she got THAT emotional. However, what "tearing" up that she may have done, this - after losing one primary? My God, is THIS the person we want in the White House? ONE setback (she ended up winning the New Hampshire primary the next week) and she "falls apart"?

Now she's referring to herself (or her campaign) as "the comeback kid". It's the same catchphrase her husband used in his presidential race. Gimme a fricken break. A "comeback kid" after two primaries.


  1. Don't mess with my candidate, dude! There will be hell to pay!

    Seahawks vs Packers! woo hoo!

  2. why you sultry little bitch! (we used to date, people - i can say that). i'm not messin' with her - just lookin' out for her...maybe. where's biden? he was my dude. :) GO PACK!!
