Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Green Bay Packers Finish Season 14-4.

It's taken me a few days to get on here and blog about our loss in the NFC Championship this past Sunday. Actually, I won't talk about the game - it's verboten territory right now. Still stings too much. My brother and I vowed to wait until our annual walleye fishing trip back in Wisconsin in May.

That being said, I have to say our Packers had an excellent season and the team and fans should be very proud. Hey - we weren't expected to finish much beyond 9-7, maybe, and with the youngest team in the league, I expect great things next season. I'm quite confident Favre will be back for another go-around; our young players and coach will have learned from their mistakes this year; and we'll make a run for the Super Bowl next year.

My real purpose for posting was to thank everyone who was kind enough to support MY passion for the Packers this year - non-Packer fans, per se. And the first people I wanna thank are Donovan and Maria and their daughter Grace. I watched EVERY game at their home in Tujunga (NFL Sunday Ticket) when I wasn't home for the holidays and their support was unwavering. Oh-h did we have some fun moments. And when their team (Denver) was eliminated from playoff contention, they switched gears and became as rabid as a Packer fan as I know. THEY helped to make this the best season for me since moving to California in 1998.

Aside from them I'd like to thank the following: John in Philly, Bill the FedEx guy, Bill, Bruce, Jeffrey E., JD, Fred, the Staples guy, D Doug, Zac, Kinga, Janelle, Amy, Justyna and Dave. Remember - these folks aren't Packer fans but were rooting for them. It's difficult being here in CA when you really would rather be back in WI where everyone around you is a Packer fan and you can commiserate together. Thanks, guys, for making the loss somewhat easier.

GO PACK in 2008!!!

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