Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Giuliani Refuses to Sign Packer Hat on Campaign Trail

Punta Gorda, FL — Rudy Giuliani refused to sign a potential voter’s Green Bay Packers hat after a campaign stop Monday afternoon, saying it would be “bad luck". The loyal New York Giants fan denied the request as he was signing autographs and posing for photos after a meet and greet at the Village Fish Market and Restaurant on day two of his bus tour through the Sunshine State. While Florida has become the campaign’s must-win state, Giuliani is apparently drawing a line as to how far he will go to woo voters. “I won’t sign that,” he said after campaign chairman Pat Oxford handed him the hat. “No, no, no. That would be bad luck right now."
He said he'd sign it after the game.

I agree with Rudy. If someone thrust a Giants' hat in my face I'd force myself to puke up all over it. Or worse.

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