Friday, January 4, 2008

"What If Britney, Jessica, Lindsay and Paris Were All Involved in a Train Wreck?"

It's a working title for a 10-minute play idea. Any merits? I prefer to write full-lengths but I don't want to spend too much time on this one. It's not really needed. Not that the above four have lives - for the most part - that aren't already train wrecks. I'm talking a real train wreck. Here's the premise: They all board an Amtrak train bound for somewhere - for whatever purpose. Not going to the same place but just happened that way. Not a word is spoken - sort of the opposite of what you'd expect if they were traveling solo, with their individual entourages. However, their collective "blahing" sort of cancel each other out. Blah, blah, blah. They sit there and stare at each other, each going about her own life as if she's living in a bubble. Maybe they're crying...I don't know. More blah, blah, blah. Then the train crashes and they all die. END OF PLAY. Whatdayathink? It's copyright protected. 10 minutes is all it should take, don't you think? Hey - I just wrote the stage directions. That took...what, 2 minutes? Wait - I may try and include Brett Favre in there somewhere. He'd be the lone survivor of the train wreck. Well, what did you expect?

NOTE: I couldn't find a picture of Jessica Simpson crying. This was as close as I got. Maybe she doesn't know the difference - when to cry and when not to. She had a rough time with tuna, remember? Let's hope Tony Romo brings her to the NFC Championship game in Dallas - provided they get there. That's gotta be enough assurance that they'll lose to whoever they play (or is it whomever?). Jake? Pete? Help me out.

1 comment:

  1. One addendum, Jessica Simpson lives and follows Tony Romo to the future NFC Championship game, only to fall out of her luxury box paralyzing Romo and leaving Favre to lead his team to victory!

    how sick is that?
