Monday, December 3, 2007

Why I Blog.

There are a number of reasons I blog.

Most of my family and my largest network of friends are in Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois - with a few others scattered throughout Minnesota, Arizona, Washington and Pittsburgh. This is the best way for them to keep tabs on what I'm doing with my life in California. And they do care.

I'm a writer - a playwright, to be more precise. My blog is a writing exercise. Like one of my plays that may never see the light of day on a stage, this blog may only be seen by a limited amount of people, but it's one of a number of creative outlets at my a journal, helping me to organize my thoughts.

I've had visitors from 50 countries. Some spend a minute perusing. Others spend a half hour. Many check in weekly. Others may never check in again. I can see who's been on the blog - mostly I do it to see what visitors from other countries I've had. Today, someone from Armed Forces Europe - Middle East/Canada - visited one post in particular, and downloaded a picture. It was the following:

The picture downloaded was of the American flag, circa 1812. I'm certain it was someone in uniform. For that reason alone, this blog has brought joy to someone very far away. Someone who is helping to protect you, myself and other Americans so we can sleep safely at night.

And that makes me smile.

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