Friday, December 14, 2007

Twenty Six Percent.

I just figured this out today. 26% of my paycheck goes to the government in taxes, as well as for my medical insurance. Obviously I'm aware of these monthly deductions but I don't make that much to begin with so it's easy for me to just take a quick glimpse at my pay stub and shirk. What I'm saying is that I actually grabbed a calculater and figured it out. That's a lot of money per paycheck and per year.

I've written several posts on the immigration subject. I've attempted to be diplomatic, empathetic and civil. But 26% is too much money to give to my government and not have every penny be spent to benefit American citizens.

That all being said, I want every illegal alien in the United States to get out. I hate to break it to you but you do not have all-encompassing rights in this country. In the perfect world that God created, yeh - we'd live in peace and harmony and we'd live wherever we'd damn well please. In a perfect world I'd be getting laid daily; the Green Bay Packers would win every Super Bowl and Brett Favre would never retire; all my loved ones that have passed away would still be alive, including Elvis; the Beach Boys would still be in tact (with Dennis and Carl Wilson alive and Brian Wilson playing keyboards); I could fish or bowhunt as much as I could possibly want; I wouldn't have had to endure my eye injury; I'd be acting in movies and/or Broadway, and every play I wrote would be performed somewhere to enthusiatic patrons.

But this isn't a perfect world. And God created Man who is imperfect and an imperfect Man has to somehow create law and order to combat anarchy, offsetting the millions of other imperfect people inhabiting this planet. Can I just plop my ass in Ireland or Mexico and say, 'this as much my country as it is yours.'? No.

I've grown tired of your manipulation of our health care system like it's a 911 call...a tool at anyone's disposal. I'm sick of you irresponsibly having anchor babies because it's the quickest route to having an American citizen in the family. I'm sick of listening to an automated operator even longer than I have to because everything's recorded in another language. I'm sick of having to repeat what I said in proper English to retail employees who don't understand English 'so well'. I'm sick of you driving on our roads putting law-abiding citizens in peril because you don't have car insurance. I'm sick of your youth getting free monies OR financial aid to attend college when there are some citizens of this country who don't qualify for financial aid. And don't worry about the tasks you perform because other Americans won't - we did it without you once; we'll figure it out again. Etcetera. Etcetera.

So get the fuck out. I was going to put this on my Santa wish list (see below) but I didn't want to cuss at Santa. When I look at the monies deducted from my paycheck knowing full well not all of it is benefiting AMERICAN CITIZENS I could puke. I apologize for my language but no one - including our corrupt politicians in Washington - is listening to me. So I have to be harsh. Get the fuck out and take your wife, husband, children, grandma, grandpa, uncles, aunts, cousins, brothers, sisters and go back whence you came. Do not pass GO; do not stop at the health clinic along the way; do not stop at Home Depot for a last minute possible cash-paying job of which you will contribute no income taxes to our government. Go home and sponge off your own God damn government. 'Cause you're spending MY money and I don't like it!

And I don't want to hear the bullshit excuse, 'your forefathers were immigrants, too'. As far as I've traced, my relatives came through Ellis Island - legally. And those who didn't probably did so because everyone came over illegally at one point...when this country was young and growing and we didn't have legislation in place to deal with immigration. We do now.

DID YOU HEAR ME? GET OUT! No one wants you here! Come back when you can contribute to our country as a legal citizen. You'll be welcomed with open arms - including my own. It's the law - you know? Thank you. I'm done venting. Merry Christmas.

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