Friday, December 28, 2007

SI Favre Cover Goes Into 3rd Printing

MILWAUKEE (AP) — Favre fever continues in Wisconsin.

On Friday, Sports Illustrated began selling an unprecedented third printing of its Sportsman of the Year issue in Wisconsin. The Dec. 10 issue names Green Bay Packers quarterback Brett Favre its 2007 athlete of the year. This marks the first time the magazine has done a third printing of an issue, said Karen Dmochowsky, magazine spokeswoman. Brett was on the cover - only the 4th QB ever to be choses Sportsman of the Year by SI.

On a side note, we got dumped on here in Wisconsin - 6 1/2 inches in Waterford today alone. Pretty - but it's cramped my travel plans. Had to nix the trip to Iowa. On a nicer note, found out yesterday that my friend Janis got tickets to the Packer game Sunday at Lambeau when GB hosts the Detroit Lions.

Don't worry - I'll be bundled up. My friend from California, Donovan and Maria will be at the Denver Bronco's game that Sunday - their first visit. GO PACK!! GO BRONCOS!!


  1. Hey Jeff, Blizzards huh! It's nice back here in Calli. When you coming "home"? . . . • Ps: Passion=Truth, love it. - Greg N - go PAC go

  2. hi greg...when i get back to Cali i'll forward pix from the Pierogi shin-dig. nice. yep - wintry that's for sure. but enjoying the lying around i'm doing. i'm sure i'll miss THIS all once i get back to CA. only thing i really miss there is the weather and my family (you) and friends. but i AM enjoying the snow - very pretty. will post pix of that, too.

  3. Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
