Monday, December 24, 2007

Reality Check's a Good Thing / 12-3

The Packers got killed by the Bears yesterday, 35-7. Difficult game to watch - with family, no less. Embarrassing. But it's water under the bridge now. The Bears swept the Pack this season. Big deal. We're in the playoffs and perhaps the Pack didn't have their heart in the game. Take away the 21 points our traitor punter, Jon Ryan, gave Chicago (useless piece of shit - and this inept moron is from Sasketuwan and played in the Canadian football league!) and the first INT Favre threw early in the game (he had another one but the game was wayyyyy outta reach by then) and it's a 7-6 game -Packers' lead.

Glass HALF FULL, baby. It was one game. I think I'd much rather play the NFC Championship (if we get that far) in Dallas - in a 70 degree dome. What the hell else am I supposed to say? That way our passing game - our strength - will be at its best. It's obvious this Packer team is unsuited for cold weather games (though the 40 mile an hour winds at Soldier Field in Chicago - and not the cold - was really the bigger factor).

I say play our starters for a half then rest them. Nothing be gained by a win against Detroit. Though to see how the Pack handles the weather situation at Lambeau may be helpful during the playoffs. They have a bye and their first playoff game is at home.

Let's hope the wind gusts are nil. GO PACK!!

Next Week = Detroit Lions (7-8) at Green Bay Packers (12-3).

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