Wednesday, December 12, 2007

My Wish List for Santa

After all these years, I think I've written one Christmas list to Santa - I used as part of my own Christmas card. THIS list really is for Santa. I hope he reads it - there's some prit-ty important stuff on it.

You're supposed to be able to click on the list and it'll open up bigger for you but that feature doesn't seem to wanna work for me (one more thing to add to the list). If YOU'D like to find out what I'm asking the Big Fat Man in the Red Suit for, I've spelled it out for you below:

Dear Santa,

You know how 'you're never too old to...'? Well here's my Christmas list:

1. U.S. soldiers out of Iraq. The indigenous peoples there will continue to fight and kill each other so why put our men in uniform in harm's way for nothing? The rewards are fruitless.

2. I want my enemies to get their just desserts ON EARTH while I'm still drawing a breath. This includes my former employer - Barbara Bollenbach - in Bel Air. She knows what she did.

3. How 'bout one of my full-length plays produced in 2008? Anywhere.

4. The move this Spring. Let's make it happen.

5. Continued good health for my eyes - and no more health scares. This goes for my family and friends. And to those who've lost a loved one in 2007, please say a prayer for them, would you, Santa?

6. I want to be loved by someone who takes my breath away. She knows who she is. She just has to reciprocate.

7. The Green Bay Packers to win the Super Bowl; preferably against the New England Patriots.

If I think of anything else, I'll let you know. Safe travels, Santa. And to anyone reading this,
A Very Merry Christmas to You All - and A Happy New Year!

Love, Jeff

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