Saturday, December 1, 2007

Big Brother Hanging out at the Skate Park

Part of my five mile walk (the section between the MIA/POW flag and the NPR sign in the above post) takes me by the local skatepark. This time I went in - armed with my camera - and got some great shots.

"Don't be afraid to try the newest sport around.
(Bust your buns, bust your buns now) ..."

"...It's catchin' on in every city and town..."

"...You can do the tricks the surfers do,
just try a "Quasimodo" or "The Coffin" too (why don't you)..."

"...Grab your board and go sidewalk surfin' with me"

© Copyright 1964, Sidewalk Surfin', written and sung by Jan Berry & Dean Torrance of Jan & Dean

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