Friday, November 2, 2007

Dick-of-the-Week Sportswriter #5, Dave Fleming

I jumped from #1 in the post below to #5 because I saw I had written a previous article that had contained Dick-of-the-Week Sportswriters #3 Adam Schein (Dick Shine) and #4 Bill Simmons (see, and within that post I directed you to the post (People I Hate) of Dick-of-the-Week Sportswriter #2 Allen Barra (Bare-ass) of The New York Sun.

Dave Fleming from ESPN online said this after the Packer win against the Redskins last week, "When reporters recently questioned Brett Favre's arm strength, Golden Boy challenged them (albeit, jokingly) to stand in front of one of his passes. Really? Where do I sign up?"

What a douche bag. I wish he would have taken Favre up on his offer so Brett coulda pelted him in his head and maybe knocked some sense into him. And if any reporter would have said yes to Brett, I think Brett would've done it. Fleming half-heartedly recanted this week after the Packers beat the Broncos in his half-way point column, saying, "HALF-WIT: All those idiots out there who said Brett Favre had lost arm strength. Oh, yeah, right, that was me. How can a guy throw a flock of downfield ducks against the Redskins and then chuck it into the upper deck his next game? Spite is a very powerful tool, I guess. You're welcome, Green Bay. I'll tell you why, Fleming - it was ONE game. Ever hear of a player having an off game. Douche bag again. And don't ever ask GB to thank you for anything you've printed in your column, you double douche bag!

Fleming also wrote, "HALF SORRY: Based on their coverage, it appears the Broncos defensive backs believed every word I wrote about Favre's noodle arm."

Nice pat on the back, Flemboy. Do you see why I hate sports columnists? Now I'm a published playwright and I can right any damn thing I want because it's fiction. These dickheads write with the forethought that they have knowledge we don't have. They're enlightened. They write online and millions of people read the stink they spread. Big effing deal. It's all bullshit. Screw them all.

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