Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Favre, Jones Nominations by FedEx and Diet Pepsi

Brett Favre is again nominated (4th nomination, 2 wins) for FedEx Air Player of the Week for games played in Week 8 of the NFL season. Brett led the Packers to an overtime win last night against the Denver Broncos on Monday Night Football at Denver - in dramatic fashion, I might add (see post below). See Brett's highlights here: http://www.packers.com/multimedia/video/recent/
Look under Denver game, October 29 - Favre highlights. Two really nice TD bombs you have to watch.

And James Jones is nominated for the Diet Pepsi Rookie of the Week for his TD and reception yards for the same game. Jones caught a 79 yard TD pass and ended up with 3 receptions for 107 yards.

"He's old. He should retire and quit embarrassing himself. He's selfish - he's just doing it for the records. He has no arm strength left. He's hurting his team (which is 6-1)."

- Everybody but Green Bay Packer fans (Ok, there's a few Packer fans who thought that as well - but they're idiots, too)

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