Wednesday, September 26, 2007

"This Grinds My Beans!"

That's a quote from a radio character we used to have at WKLH in Milwaukee (I worked there in radio sales for two years). Known as Mr. Angry, he'd come on the air and bitch about anything and everything (he was actually the head of an ad shop in town).

The last thing I want is all my posts to be football related. But it is football season so you'll just have to bear with me. The problem I have with all sports is the media - if they're not bugging Brett Favre about when he's retiring - they're asking stupid questions or making stupid comments. I cringe when commentators - ESPN, FOX, NFL Network, local, online, wherever - give me their opinions which are based on the dumbest criteria or give me their predictions. Hey, I never predict the Pack is gonna win a game - I say I "hope" or "their chances are good" or "they're favored". These anal-ists, as I like to refer to them as, look like dipshits when they're wrong and, of course, then they can always change they're previous opinion based on the current state of affairs with a sports organization so they always seem to look like they're right and knowledgeable when really they don't know any more than you or I.

Now you already know from a previous post that I hate The New York Sun columnist Allen Bare-ass (Barras - see People I Hate post below) - here's two more examples of what I'm talking about. And keep in mind, I understand we're only three games into the season and things can change, but just read the following:

Adam Schein from ESPN (I like to call him Dick Shine) wrote an article before the season about Favre and the Pack. I chewed his ass out in an email - below are excerpts from that article.

"The Packers should still think long and hard about letting him (Favre) go."

"My response remains the same: the Packers need to seriously consider making this move and get the wheels in motion to put the Favre era — no matter how successful it was — in the past."

"Let's be honest — Favre is well along the downside of his career. His decision-making and knack for forcing the ball into double or triple coverage has hurt Green Bay. Last year he tossed 18 picks against 18 touchdowns. That's not good. That's after throwing 29 picks in 2005."

"Is he a top 10 quarterback in 2007? Absolutely not."

"Green Bay spent a first-round pick on Aaron Rodgers. Maybe it's time to see what he has."

"But let's be very honest again here for a second — the Packers aren't making the playoffs with Favre either. Not with their defense and running game. In fact, I'm sure the fine folks in the Green Bay offices have to be asking themselves a similar question. Let Favre go play for the Dolphins or Jaguars. Find out what you have in Rodgers. Get a quarterback into the lineup who won't be constantly questioning the talent around him. Favre will always be a Packer legend, but the best thing for the sanity and upward movement of the Packers for the rest of this decade is to let him go now."

Here's another joker - Bill Simmons from ESPN:

16. Green Bay Packers - Old quarterbacks are like old strippers, old rappers and older bottles of white wine - with the exception of Don Strock and that's really it, they get dramatically worse with age. Most people think Brett Favre is just about washed-up; actually, he is washed up. According to Pro Football Prospectus, Green Bay led the league in overthrown passes last season. In 2005 and 2006, Favre turned the ball over 64 times. Heading into Week 14 last season, the Packers were 4-8 and lost to four teams with good defenses (the Bears, Pats, Eagles and Jets) by a combined 130-19 margin. What else do you need to know?

(Note: I feel bad for the underrated Packers defense, which has a chance to be really good this season. I also feel bad for the good people of Wisconsin. In the span of seven months, they could watch the Brew Crew blow its division to the hated Cubs, followed by the greatest QB in Packers history potentially embarrassing himself in his final season, and then Chairman Yi playing 20-25 minutes per game -- guaranteed by Herb Kohl to the Chinese government, as reported by Ric Bucher!!!!! -- and single-handedly killing the Bucks' playoff hopes. The only silver lining is they'll be covered in mustard and cheese sauce the entire time. Could we send an extra shipment of EKG machines to Wisconsin please? And make it a rush order. Thanks.)

Believe me, these aren't the only two door knobs who all but figured Favre for dead and are now recanting their previous bile. Now, Dick Shine is praising the Pack. He said he won't take back the things he said because at the time they were true of the status of the team and Favre (which is bullshit as well). And I just heard Simmons admit on ESPN Radio that Favre's doing well and that he thought he was finished. AND he said he didn't notice Favre doing anything different really than he has in the past (in reference to talk that Favre is playing a more controlled game this season). That's because Favre hasn't changed you assholes! It's the people around him that have. ARGHHH! I'm not even gonna get into this rant. Give me serenity, Lord. Granted...things could turn around and these anal-ists would come off sounding like they knew it all along. And as I said earlier, we're just three games into the season. Why don't these idiots just shut up? Why do we need all these morons dissecting our games for us? Why can't we just watch them and then they can report on the outcomes of the games? Simple enough, isn't it? I wouldn't miss them and I'd be perfectly happy not writing retorts like this in my blog. And who edits the dung these guy write? Aren't they accountable for anything or do they have carte blanche to write whatever they feel? I mean, opinion's one thing. Fine. I have an opinion and you have an opinion. Why are these clown shoes (to borrow a phrase from my cousin, Scott Schmidt) in a seat of authority, disseminating whatever bile spills from their mouths on any given day?

Here's my take on Favre and the Green Bay Packers - this coming from a Wisconsin native and GB fan: I don't know what's gonna happen with my Packers. They look good thus far at 3-0 with no running game. Our starting RB will be entering the mix shortly and that Emmanuel dude we got from the Vikings last year will be playing as well - think he's a receiver. Favre is rated in the top 6 of QBs in most categories. He's been nominated twice for FEDEX Air Player of the Week, chosen by the NFL as the Offensive Player of the week for Week #2 and other players like Crosby (kicker), Wynn (rookie back) and Barnett (defensive back?) have all been recognized in the last three weeks of play, and Coach McCarthy was chosen Coach of the Week by the NFL for Week #2 as well.

Favre is playing well and having a good time and most anal-ists are noticing this and agreeing. In some power rankings where we were 25, or 26 - we're now 5 or 7. I don't know - but I feel something magical is happening and my gut is usually right.

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