Wednesday, June 6, 2007


What are your thoughts on this word - bumbershoot?


  1. What inspired you to post bumbershoot?
    Any why hasn't anyone commented?

  2. Bumbershoot is technical term in the "adult" film industry. When the director has given the signal for the "money shot" and the male star of the film does not project enough or fires too late, this is know as the "Bumbershoot"

  3. There's a music festival in Seattle that's top-rated in the U.S. known as the Bumbershoot Festival. It's also a slang term for the word, "umbrella" - thought to be of British origin but it's not.

    Had no clue about it's reference in the porn industry.

    I just liked the way the word sounded. It has good timbre.
