Thursday, April 5, 2007

Stan's Addiction in American Theatre magazine

The April '07 issue of American Theatre magazine features an ad for my play, Stan's Addiction - page 86, lower left corner. Pretty cool. This national publication is widely read by theater professionals across the country (or we hope it is), so - we'll see. The ad includes an excellent quote by Leslie Charipar, director of the Urban Theater Project of Iowa, which first read Stan's last year (just click on the picture and it'll open up in a bigger window). And that's Scott Humeston tak'in a drag (which is part of the cover of the play book). I met Leslie and Scott in 1994 at Theatre Cedar Rapids in Iowa while the three of us were performing in a Broadway review called, Echoes.
Oh-h come now - don't tell me you haven't heard of Echoes???
(c) Copyright Jeffrey James Ircink

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