Monday, March 26, 2007

War in the Middle East

No one likes war. At least a rational person shouldn't. But I love the American soldier and I support what they're doing. I really don't know enough about President Bush, oil, Iraq, or Iran to formulate an educated opinion about the goings-ons there. But here's what I do know - war has ravaged that part of the world for eons. The Jews and Arabs have been fighting for eons. Will it ever end? I doubt it. So why risk our soldier's lives and our country's money on all that? Let those people figure it out themselves - and if they annihilate themselves in the process, so be it. You have to want peace in order for it to happen. And honestly, I don't think that part of the world wants peace. All they know is fighting and killing. So I say screw'em.

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