Monday, March 26, 2007

Origami No. 1

Origami is sort of my catchword for a featured blog entry that highlights my original writings - could be an excerpt from one of my plays, a poem, a song, a rant, a rave, a cursing, etc. Origami is the art of folding paper (the word is of Japanese origin). So, within the folds of this particular blog feature you may find something really beautiful, meaningful or poignant. OK - THAT was a stretch. The following is about my most treasured possession.

In a far-away land there was a boy and he received the most beautifulest gift from his best girl friend - a silver, heart-shaped, puzzle box. And he was so giddy that he told everyone about his gift, and some people told him to shut up 'cause he had already told them about it.

One day he was skipping along through the countryside and he came upon a cave. His curiosity got the better of him and he went inside. 'I wonder if there's anyone in this cave that I didn't tell about my beautiful silver, heart-shaped puzzle box?' So the boy shouted at the top of his lungs, 'I don't know if there's anyone in this cave, but I just got this most beautifulest silver, heart-shaped puzzle box from my best girl friend and I am happy!' His loud, booming voice inside the cave caused an avalanche and he was trapped – where he soon ran out of breath and died.

The moral of this tale - besides don't be an idiot and yell in caves - is that you CAN die happily in a cave - alone in the dark - as long as you have the most beautifulest silver, heart-shaped puzzle box from your best girl friend close to your heart.
Copyright (C) 2006 Jeffrey James Ircink

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