Saturday, March 24, 2007

A Bit of Catching Up

As this is my inaugural post, there are a number of issues I'd like to comment on - some old and some new. I'll try and be succinct:

Mel Gibson. I love Mel. If you know me well than you know this already and you're not surprised he's the subject of my first blog. Now, his outburst in Malibu (you know the one) - uncalled for. But he was drinking and I've said things that weren't necessarily true while under the influence ('in vino veritas' is 'bullshitias'). But to hear about it ad nauseum...geezuz. So glad that's all quieted down. Now, this latest "tirade" he had at the university in California? I would've reacted the same way. I guess it's not sufficient to have one Mayan expert/consultant on your movie - YOU have to consult with every Mayan on the planet (didn't know there were that many around). As a playwright, I'm passionate about what I write about and I will defend it to almost any length...if I feel I'm right. I echo Mel and say, quote, "F$!##@$%! off, lady - go make your own movie!".

Illegal aliens. I don't care who you are or where you're from. If you wanna come to the United States, fine. Just do it legally. When I traveled to Ireland last April, I paid for a passport and went through customs. That's the law. My great grandpa Michael Datka (mother's side) came over from Poland via Ellis Island. The legal way. I suggest anyone wishing for "a better life" do the same. Or suffer the consequences. As for putting up a wall along our borders adjacent to Mexico, I'm all for it. It's a sad state of affairs, but what are we supposed to do? The Mexican government clearly isn't doing much to discourage it's citizens from illegally entering our country and we need to get our own "house" in order before we worry about the rest of the world.

The Passion of the Christ. Excellent movie and no, I didn't think it anti-Sematic. That's all I'm gonna say on that subject.

Brett Favre. Someone else you knew I'd write about if you know me. He's comin' back for his 17th year in the NFL - 16th with the Green Bay Packers. He deserves his own separate blog with headline but that'll all come soon enough once the season begins. Brett will probably break all of Dan Marino's records and SHOULD have a couple more Super Bowl rings on his fingers. He's unselfish as a player and plays every game like it's his last. That being said, my wish is that the media would quit HARASSING Brett about his "impending" retirement every damn season. Just shut up. There is no one in the game of football like him, and I'm not sure there'll ever be. So why is everyone so intent on Favre retiring?? Answer - the media are bastards. That's it. I was a journalism major back in college but I specifically didn't want to become a reporter because I knew the press was scum back then. Now look - you side-tracked me. Where was I? Oh, yeh - Favre. Brett represents what the NFL IS and SHOULD BE and people need to appreciate him while he's around. I salute you Huck Finn! And anyone else who says he should retire - including the elderly, disadvantaged children, fans from other NFL teams and really hot girls with no brains can lick my lingum.

1 comment:

  1. jeff.

    mel gibson? wow. okay, it's gonna take me a while to get over that. i guess it must be a straight guy thing. so how do you feel about michael richards?

    and i hate to say it, but i think judging whether something is anti-semitic or not is probably best left up to the jews. if something is offensive to someone, i don't think it's our place to say "no it's not".

    ...illegals. what do you propose we do with the 7-20 million illegal immigrants who are in this country? just a question.

    and by the way...peyton manning is my partner's second cousin.

