Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day 2015

" A thing is right when it tends to preserve the
integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic
community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise."

- Aldo Leopold, author, scientist, forester, ecologist, conservationist and environmentalist. Born in Iowa, he spend most of his life in Wisconsin.

recycle. conserve. don't litter, take a walk or
hike. swim in the ocean. enjoy the outdoors. turn
the lights off. plant a tree. or a vegetable garden.

or a flower garden. carpool. start a compost pile.

buy local. go "green". tell the kids to get off the

internet/stop watching so much TV and get off their

asses. reduce water consumption. check your tire
pressure. drive slower. go camping and sleep out
under the stars. go with compact fluorescent bulbs.

stop taking up space. do something.

Earth Day was founded by Gaylord Nelson, Wisconsin senator and governor. This video was shot in Avoca, WI 2015.